Here for you ...

Whatever you are going through, know that you are supported.

If you're feeling like you're stuck in a bad dream, Perth Hills Hypnotherapy can help.

We offer private sessions over Zoom from the comfort of your own home.

About Us

Meet your hypnotherapist and learn about her unique and personal journey into hypnotherapy.


Learn about how hypnotherapy can help you cope with your specific area of worry or concern.

Free Consultation

Schedule a free, no-obligation call to tailor a program for your needs.

Treatment that is as individual as you

anxiety quit smoking stress management habits addictions fears phobias sleep problems weight control pain management

In life, there is no "one size fits all".
Your hypnotherapy should be no different.





A photo of Cathy Wyber, trained hypnotherapist.

My Journey

The car started to sway from side to side on an old gravel road in the middle of the state forest miles from home. As the sway of the car got bigger and bigger… Panic took over… Not knowing what was happening… I felt out of control… The fear and the dread… My life rushing before me… All I could hear myself saying was …“Oh my
goodness… it’s going to roll… This is serious.” I thought this was it…

It wasn’t it, thankfully, but I didn’t know that at the time. It got me thinking… “There has to be more to my life…” I was so worried I was headed for the large tree in front of me as time seemed to go in slow motion… So slow. Then, as the sway got even larger and larger… The car started to roll and roll…

“Is this how my life will end…” All I could hear was the shattering of glass, as well as my nerves feeling so vulnerable in this isolated dark forest… I thought the car was going to… Explode…

I managed to crawl out of the passenger window feeling dazed with blood running down my face… Was I taking the right track?… I had a long journey back home.

Only the week before I had three jobs and I was working long hours, managing only limited sleep… Always rushing…

Whilst working as a Registered Nurse I was privileged to work with a Doctor who was giving hypnotherapy to a patient my age who had terminal cancer. I was so amazed at the peace and relaxation that she had received that day. It was profound. That was the day the seed was planted on how powerful our mind is and I wanted and needed to know more. So I trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and I haven’t looked back. That Anxiety, Trauma and PTSD from that accident …. Gone! That’s the power of the subconscious mind…

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Registered Nurse and Paediatric Nurse, I’ve seen so many clients with physical and emotional pain. We all carry so much baggage … but we don’t have to, and that’s where I come in.

“I had a long Journey back” and I got back. I survived and thrived.

At Perth Hills Hypnotherapy we have helped many people stuck in the same situation. They’re back too, thriving!

We start with an obligation free consultation call at a time that works for you. Then we put together a program designed specifically for you and your needs so you have the best chance of achieving your goals.

Click for a Free Consultation, enter your details and let’s get started.


"Cathy took me through a Core Transformation session, working on my extreme anxiety in general, and in regards to the timeline before any appointment, where I've always been really buzzing and unable to settle on anything useful. The procedure was so gentle, without raising any bad feelings or fear in me at all, and Cathy kept everything flowing at a pace that was really comfortable for me. Her voice is so soothing and her personality incredibly sensitive and full of empathy.

After some work, Cathy took me back to the time of my birth and then forward in time, where I hit an emotional blockage. She patiently took this in her stride and did a separate procedure to clear the block. Again, back to the moment of my birth and then coming forward, applying the deep peace that she'd helped me find.

Though it took only a couple of minutes, I had such a clear image in my mind of my life experiences as dominoes falling quickly against each other. As I reached a domino that represented a trauma, I found myself giving deep love to the me that I was at that age and in that situation. At each successive trauma the same happened, easily and quickly.  The dominoes fell right up to my current age, but I'd applied such understanding, healing and love to myself that I can still feel it 2 weeks later. It was an incredible experience. I usually can't visualise things easily, but this was so clear and amazing.

My life used to be full of fear, where everyone had the ability to hurt me deeply and 'run roughshod' over my needs and desires without me ever being able to say a word in my own defence. I feel stronger now. In control of my own life, with a really peaceful, quiet strength.

Thank you so much Cathy, you are truly a beautiful soul and you've brought me great peace in such a short length of time. I'm very, very grateful." - May.


"I recently noticed a block within me and knew I needed to deal with it. I found I needed help as I wasn't releasing it by myself. As a Therapist, I'm very particular about who I see, as there are way too many ordinary or just plain not good therapists out there. I knew Cathy was the one to help me and she did just that. Her professionalism, warmth and knowledge were just what I needed. Thank you Cathy." - Rebecca.



"It was great to meet Cathy and discuss my pain condition with her. Through the session she gave me some wonderful things to think about; such as what I wanted from my life and how my life might look without pain. Cathy also gave me some techniques for minimising my pain and learning to relax, as well as some great breathing techniques. Throughout the session I felt supported, encouraged and uplifted." - Sharon.



"I had no idea what to expect, but I did know that this could be my last chance to sort out my phobias and feelings. I was concerned about rain (of all things) and my roof collapsing when it rained. Logic dictated that this was NOT going to happen, but my mind said YES, anytime now... I hated water of all descriptions, even entering the shower was an ordeal of major proportions. On arrival Cathy and I chatted like old friends, though we had never met before and she guided me through a "clearing". I was awake and aware of everything we did together, it was like she was talking directly to my brain, my body felt out of the picture. It was not scary or threatening and I don't recall any mention of water! I emerged starving hungry! But with a new energy I had not felt for some time and more powerful than ever. It was an amazing experience that I can't wait to experience again. I have suggested to my various family members and friends that they could benefit from a session. Cathy is awesome! The last rain we had, I did not even notice, my husband had to tell me it was raining!" - Kay.





Hypnotherapy can help improve many aspects of your life.

To book a free consultation call with Cathy, click here.

Pain Management

Hypnosis has been used for pain management for centuries, and even today is widely used in surgical procedures. Using hypnosis for pain relief is tried, tested and safe.

Habits & Addiction

Hypnosis can help you escape the clutches of addiction by helping you train your brain to 'step out' of the addictive trance state before it happens.

Stress Management

Stress management hypnosis sessions will provide you with a complete 'toolkit' for dealing with the pressures of life - both the avoidable and the unavoidable.

Weight Control

Hypnosis can provide the extra motivation and determination to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, helping you escape the many food traps that can cause weight gain. Read more.


Fear & Anxiety

Do you often feel fearful and anxious even when you know there's nothing to worry about? Are your thoughts and emotions controlling you, rather than the other way round?


More than 10% of people will experience a simple phobia at some time in their lives. But you're not doomed to be stuck with them forever.

Sleep Problems

Everybody takes sleep for granted. Until problems appear. Then you can think of little else. And the more you think about sleep, and the harder you try to sleep, the less sleep you tend to get.

Quit Smoking

If you are going to make the effort to free yourself from the terrible effects of smoking, why not do it right? Read more.





Schedule a convenient time for you.


Consultation Call (Free)

If you would like help with coping techniques or just a chat about your concerns, please get in touch for a 15 minute free consultation call. We will discuss a plan to overcome your obstacle, and go over costs and expectations of a personalised hypnotherapy treatment.

Duration: 15 minutes

Private Session (Online)

Private and confidential hypnotherapy sessions are available over Zoom in the comfort of your own home. In these sessions we will dive deep into your worries and concerns, and give you a fresh new outlook on life without them.

Duration: 1+ hours


If there is anything you would like to know that I have not addressed, I am always available to answer your individual questions or concerns.

Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical mind.

A natural, highly focused state of mind in which the unconscious mind is free to act without interference from regular consciousness. An altered state of consciousness, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation involving focused attention with reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions.

During a hypnotic induction, there is suspension of both reality testing and critical thinking, (ie bypassing the critical mind). The
hypnotised client switches from a left hemisphere activation to a right hemisphere activation. The left cortex deals with logic, critical functions whereas the right cortex is more involved with emotional, feelings, imagination and creativity especially with music and art appreciation.


We all develop that trance state in our own unique way.

This is something we all go into and out of naturally many times during the day. After you have that long day at work and you start driving home, you automatically drive the car and stop at the red lights and go on the green lights. The music is playing and you drift to a really comfortable place and before long you’re driving into your garage. You haven’t noticed how long it took to get home, or even remembered much of the journey. 


This is trance, or self hypnosis induction.

Maintenance of therapeutic trance provides a special state in which people can reassociate and reorganise their inner experiences, so that positive changes result from an inner resynthesis of their own behaviour.

Hypnosis is not sleep. When we are in trance we become more aware, more relaxed and focused.

It’s not mind control and you will only act on things that are aligned with your morals. The Hypnotherapist will not control you and you will not get stuck in hypnosis as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You will not lose consciousness and be like a zombie, as you will have more heightened awareness during hypnosis.

Your hearing will improve while in hypnosis as your mind becomes more alert. Your imagination, concentration and memory all improve while in hypnosis. Your unconscious mind will always protect you so you wont tell all your dark deep secrets while in hypnosis.

There are three requirements necessary for hypnosis to occur:

  1. Minimal level of intelligence.
  2. An ability to follow simple instructions.
  3. A willingness to be hypnotised.

No one can make anyone do anything against their will.

  • People under the influence of drugs.
  • People who don’t want to be hypnotised.
  • People who think they want to be hypnotised but unconsciously resist being hypnotised.
  • Some medications can interfere with inducing a trance state.
  • Some medical conditions can interfere with inducing a trance state.

Hypnosis is fun, safe and relaxing!

It’s where all the positive changes can happen.

Private sessions are conducted over Zoom from the comfort of your own home.


Contact Cathy
0418 940 095

Your privacy is taken very seriously and any information you share is kept strictly confidential.

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